
Mahesh Paudyal
The Forbidden Love
Aditya was three when they returned from America. While in America Mummy had told him that they had Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle and Aunt at home. She also had told that Grandpa and Grandma would tell him stories about birds, frogs and monkeys, and would entertain him by swaying on their feet. All these tales had excited him, and he was keen to see them at the soonest. They had their pictures in their album, and whenever his friends came to him, he would tell them, "See my Grandpa and Grandma!"Born in America, Aditya knew little about Nepal. Yet, his parents had taught him to speak Nepali, to bow to the God they had in their family shrine, and to sing Nepal's national anthem 'Sayau thunga phoolka haami' by heart. Every morning and everything, he would delight himself at the prospect of meeting his grandparents in Nepal.
Grandpa had been running ill for a few days. Doctor had suspected of a serious disease. The family therefore asked them to return to Nepal. All preparations were immediately made, and they flew homeward.
Nepal took Aditya by surprise. He could not understand how so many vehicles would ply together in so small a road. Apart from the occasional visitors who came to meet his father, not many Nepalese would be seen in America. He was surprised to see Nepalese people everywhere.
They had their home at Lokanthali. Crossing a tedious traffic Jam on the way, they drove pass Koteshwor, and reached home in the evening. The old folks were overjoyed to see the kids after eight years, along with the grandson. Seeing in his front the faces inside his album, it took no time for Aditya to recognize his grandparents. 'Grandpa!' he cried, and fell in the lap of his grandfather. Tears of joy appeared in the old man's eyes. Then he said 'Grandma' and fell in his grandmother's lap. Tears of joy soaked her eyes too.
Days rolled on. Aditya would seldom ask about his mother except at bedtime. He was completely immersed in Grandpa's stories and Grandma's love.
Gradually Grandpa's health deteriorated. Yet, his lap would always be open for Aditya. He would forget all worries, keeping Aditya on his ailing feet, and giving him a sway. But finally when he was admitted to the hospital, Aditya lost a heaven.
When Grandpa remained in the hospital, Aditya started befriending Grandma. Though she would tell him stories, she would not give him a sway on her feet. So, he continued to miss Grandpa. He was getting a gentle touch that he would not get in busy America. Every moment, he would be craving for such affectionate touches. Whenever Grandma would be tired or busy, he would seek his mother's gentle touch. Whenever his mother was busy, he would go to his father for tender fondling. For him, such caresses were there everywhere. Why won't he have them? After all, he was the pride of that family, and the apple of every eye. All would be delighted to place and fondle him in their laps.
After a few days, his aunt from Nuwakot came to see Grandpa and to meet them. After staying for a couple of days, there was a slight improvement in Grandpa's health and she decided to return. Aditya went along too, with her son Bikram, who was of Aditya's age.
Aditya spent some days in Nuwakot. Though he got a lot of love there, he kept missing the tender touches of his grandparents and parents at home. In Nuwakot, he had no one to keep him on their laps, and sway him about. By any means, he wanted to return to Lokanthali at the earliest.
One morning, God knows what news came, he saw his aunt hurrying for Lokanthali with him and Bikram. They boarded a microbus and headed for Kathmandu. He was quite happy within.
At around two in the afternoon, they reached home. She had barely stepped into the courtyard, when his aunt let out a loud cry, and fell near Grandma. Everyone added his or her cries to hers. Aditya was surprised to see everyone, sitting at different corners of the courtyard with unkempt hair, all covered in white clothes. At one corner, he saw Daddy and Uncle squatting inside white shawls with heads all shaven bald. He could not speak a word. However, from the cries and talks of the elders, he could somehow make it out that Grandpa was no more. A sudden chill seized his heart though he was still very young. A few villagers and priests too sat nearby, sharing their sorrows.
Aditya, who had been barred from tender touches for a few days, ran like a flash, and sat on the lap of Daddy. Daddy stood up with a start, and said, 'O no, you can't touch!' wiping himself. A villager tried to catch Aditya. With a tremendous push, he escaped from his hold, and fell in his mother's lap. "O no, you can't touch!' she shouted too, wiping herself. Aditya fell on the ground. Again some villagers tried to seize him. He escaped from them, and ran straight to the wall nearby, and started crying, pounding his forehead against the stone-wall. Blood spilled out of his broken temple.
"O no, what has happened," cried everyone, standing.
The family could not touch. Aditya had boycotted the villagers. There was no time to think. Decision too was not easy. Everyone was alarmed.
"What did you do, honey!" came a shrill cry. Mummy stood from her mat, and ran to pick her son in a speed that no power on earth could stop. After all, no one could stop her from taking her son into her arms, and wiping the ooze of blood with the fringe of her white shawl.
From priests to experts, everyone stared at the incident with their mouths open. No word escaped anyone's lips. The scripture, its rules, the question of sin or virtue – nothing, nothing could speak at all!