Painting & Poetry:
Just a Half

Painting: Pablo Picasso

Maun Awaj
Getting up at the interval of life
I have to take bath
Just half of my head
And cleanse entire memories.
In the farewell of cordial footsteps
that are left out from heart's platform
need to let innumerable
summers of tear fall down.
Standing silent at time's resting place
need to look at the crescent moon
the crescent sun
and manage the entire universe.
Need to put just a half step on love's path
Need to cross just half of relation's river
Need to leap up merely a half
Need to shrink merely a half.
Waiting to the never returnee
Need to cry a half
Need to smile a half.
Standing unmoved like a hill
need to wear snow of calamity.
Keeping under the pillow
the blown away fragrance of wind
the fallen down yellow leaf
the passed away day and night
need to sob all alone.
Through the alley of an unknown colony
upto the ultimate border of agony
need to make a constant up and down movement
Carrying Just a half portion of face
Need to search another half portion.
Before too late
Need to sing half portion of ditty
That you left incomplete.
From the half hole of the half window
Need to go out just a half
Need to fall down just a half
Need to remain just a half .
Before half smiles are over on half lips
need to plant at extreme end of your eyes
all delights of the world
and need to separate from you.
I need to get out
exactly at midnight
from the half scene of the half dream.
And walking half at the half path
need to accomplish
the journey of life.